SPLASH 2012 (series) / Paul McKenney

Registered user since Tue 21 Jun 2016
Name:Paul McKenney
Paul E. McKenney is a Distinguished Engineer with the IBM Linux Technology Center, where he maintains the RCU implementation within the Linux kernel. He has been coding for almost four decades, and more than half of that on parallel hardware. His prior lives include working on the DYNIX/ptx kernel at Sequent, work on packet radio, Internet protocols, and system administration at SRI International, and work on soft-realtime systems as a self-employed contract programmer. His hobbies include what passes for running at his age along with the usual house-wife-and-kids habit.
Country:United States
Personal website: http://www.rdrop.com/~paulmck/contactinfo.html
Research interests:Concurrency, real-time, energy efficiency, Linux kernel
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