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Fri 19 - Fri 26 October 2012 Tucson, Arizona, United States

SPLASH 2012 seeks panel sessions that can be part of any of the main tracks: OOPSLA, Wavefront, or Onward! Suggested topics include:

  • Any aspect of software development, including prototyping, design, testing, evaluation, maintenance, reuse, static or dynamic analysis, frameworks and toolkits.
  • Language design issues, such as dynamic or static programming, type systems and type inference, use of modularity and parallelism, patterns. Dynamic languages are welcome. JavaScript, in particular, has become important lately, but any language is fine.
  • Language implementation issues: virtual machines, garbage collectors, compilers/interpreters, power efficiency.
  • Tools designed to reduce the time, effort, and/or cost of software systems. And any of a wide range of topics: cloud computing and web platforms, mobile platforms, security and privacy issues, UI technology, location-awareness, storage, and reliability.

Call for Proposals

Panel Formats

Panels come in many shapes and sizes. Some formats that have worked well in the past include:

The traditional panel format, featuring the presentation of positions, followed by a moderated discussion among the panelists and questions from the floor.

Formal debates permit an informed presentation of starkly opposing positions. This format may be particularly suitable for more narrow, highly technical topics.

More exotic formats, which have included courtroom simulations, game shows, reality television shows, and fishbowls, have worked in the past. Audiences appreciate being entertained as well as informed.

While we will continue to accept proposals based on traditional formats, we encourage you to be creative and innovative as well.

Part of the enduring appeal of panels is that they showcase the opinions of leading researchers and industry leaders. This is a tradition we will continue to uphold. We also hope, however, to move beyond the usual gurus and gadflies, and feature a broader cross-section of the SPLASH community in this year's panel program. Panelists need not be experts; dispatches from the trenches are at least as enlightening as the latest sound bites from the usual suspects.

Panels that have the potential for audience interaction can be particularly effective. For example, an extensive audience question and answer period, a fishbowl, a roaming microphone for soliciting audience feedback and questions, audience submitted questions that the moderator poses to the panelists, or any other format that engages the audience in an active way.

For More Information

For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions please contact the Panels Chair, Gary T. Leavens